The series puts a very different spin on projects and complex business problems of today by applying lessons from history which use relevant historical case studies to examine how projects and emerging technologies of the past solved complex problems. These have been transcribed into a series of presentations. The speaking topics are categorized by existing publication.
The program delivers seminars for project managers, business executives, and decision makers and has been widely delivered to speak at local PMI chapters, organizations, corporations, and at conferences (see testimonials). Since the Lessons-from-History series started in 2001 the number of presentation events (and workshops) numbers in the hundreds and delivered to tens of thousands of attendees.
All Lessons from History topics come as unique presentations (customizable to an organization's needs (see trackrecord). This includes a repertoire of engaging topics that help explain today’s world and provide lessons-from-history. These have been popular with non-profit organizations such as PMI Chapters (for Professional Development Days) and for profit businesses.
With the Lessons-from-History series we seek out the wisdom of the past to help others avoid repeating mistakes and to capture time-proven techniques. You get more than just the talk. You will walk away with a memorable experience, a story that will stay with you, and will challenge your assumptions long afterwards. For bookings of presentations and workshops for seminars, conferences, and lectures, please enter your email address in the form below.