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Truly Inspiring Projects Workshop

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Truly Inspiring Projects

Using case studies from The History of Project Management

Summary Description of Workshop

Through history there have been a number of inspiring projects, and this workshop examines the ten most influential projects of all time to specifically draw out practical project lessons to apply to today’s projects. These are projects where the whole was greater than the sum of its parts. Projects that were a catalyst for its sponsors and stakeholders, and left a legacy for and influenced other projects that followed.

This workshop examines projects that not only changed project management but the world around them. They went way beyond the deliverables, were innovative, ground breaking, overcame perceived insurmountable problems, and kicked off a sequence of changes in the societies they were part of. 

The workshop weaves a path through the course of history and examines ten of the most influential projects of all time. But the workshop goes beyond telling a nice story and examines the projects through the modern lens of project management and the PMBoK® nine knowledge areas. This provides valuable insights into how these projects were planned and executed, and in the innovative way they managed new emerging technologies to create truly inspiring deliverables. As a result, they inspired subsequent projects that would follow.

Through exercises and video samples the workshop attendees, working in groups, will be given a chance to use their skills to analyze core problems within the projects, play out what if scenario, and discuss what made these projects so transformational for the stakeholders and the society who reaped the benefits.

The analysis allows attendees to draw out patterns, techniques, and make comparatives to today’s projects. The workshop also examines the project leaders and their character traits, and the role they played in the project.

The workshop is based on the publication The History of Project Management which traces the development of project management, from the ancient world through to the industrial revolutions of the last 300 years. These projects were selected because of their impact on subsequent projects and project management.

Who Should Attend?

Entry/Intermediary level of experience for project managers, project leaders, team leaders and general business professionals.

Egypt pyramids -Giza project construction

Egypt pyramids -Giza project construction

TCR 10 miles

Panama Canal Gaillard Cut 


Learning Objectives

Upon the successful completion of this workshop, attendees will be able to better understand how these projects:

  • were cost justified, to create mass employment opportunities for local trades, guilds, and workforce,
  • used cost control strategies and procurement management to set up contractors and far reaching supply-chains,
  • relied on project sponsors to play a pivotal role in project initiation, and taking a leadership position and putting a personal stake into the project,
  • developed communication strategies with project stakeholders, and motivated the project workforce.
  • managed risks, borrowed best practices and used innovation to solve complex problems,
  • delivered quickly and at a pace to benefit the project sponsor and principal stakeholders,
  • used emerging technologies to bring down project costs down and increase the value of the deliverable
  • used agile methods to accommodate change and deliver quickly,
  • used quality management techniques.

Parthenon crane 

The Benefits of the Workshop

The workshop analysis is done through the modern lens of the PMBoK® nine knowledge areas and provides valuable insights into how these projects were planned and executed. The workshop examines common emergent patterns across the projects, the best practices and techniques used, and then draws out practical project lessons to apply to today’s projects.


The workshop is based on the following publication.

Note: This course conforms to the internationally recognized standards of the Project Management Institute (PMI®). You will receive 8 PDUs (professional development units) upon completion.


The History of PM

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